So it's over
This time, I know, it's gone
Salt water
You tasted it too long
I only know one role
Now I know it's gone
Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames
We have slowly gone
So it's over
This time, you're flyin' home
This time, I know no song
Can't stop it slowly go
Can't stop it slowly go
Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames
We have slowly gone
Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames
We have slowly gone
Oh, we have slowly gone
Could we pour some water on?
This time, I know, it's gone
Salt water
You tasted it too long
I only know one role
Now I know it's gone
Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames
We have slowly gone
So it's over
This time, you're flyin' home
This time, I know no song
Can't stop it slowly go
Can't stop it slowly go
Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames
We have slowly gone
Up in flames
Up in flames
Up in flames
We have slowly gone
Oh, we have slowly gone
Could we pour some water on?
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