Climb up your mountain
Nineteen and countin'
You have got seven, I have got one
Blinded and hurtin'
This I'm deserving
I've got my secrets
You've only got the sleeping sun
When you've got a secret
Then you've got to keep it
When you've got a question
Answers will come
Running and hiding
Take and dividing
You've got your secrets
I've only got a sleeping sun
Sleeping sun
Oooh um
Ohhhh oh...
Ahhh ahh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh ohh
And you, as I, saw
A piece in a jigsaw
Run up and around it and
Jump up real tall
Run round the houses
North and the souths'
You've got your answers we've
Only got a sleeping sun
Sleeping sun
Oooh um
Ohhhh oh...
Ahhh ahh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh ohh
Nineteen and countin'
You have got seven, I have got one
Blinded and hurtin'
This I'm deserving
I've got my secrets
You've only got the sleeping sun
When you've got a secret
Then you've got to keep it
When you've got a question
Answers will come
Running and hiding
Take and dividing
You've got your secrets
I've only got a sleeping sun
Sleeping sun
Oooh um
Ohhhh oh...
Ahhh ahh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh ohh
And you, as I, saw
A piece in a jigsaw
Run up and around it and
Jump up real tall
Run round the houses
North and the souths'
You've got your answers we've
Only got a sleeping sun
Sleeping sun
Oooh um
Ohhhh oh...
Ahhh ahh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh ohh
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